• The Gospel Plus Nothing Else – Good News: Part 3 – Woodside Bible Church
    Sep 23 2024

    As we dive into another week of our Good News message series, we will see this week that the Gospel alone is all we need. Paul writes in his letter to Galatia that he has been crucified with Christ, stating that Christ lives in him, no longer did he allow his flesh to lead him. As fellow believers in Jesus, this truth is the same for us. When we came to know Christ Jesus, we surrendered our lives to Him, from there our lives are transformed by faith in God. In this chapter, we see that nothing but the Gospel is needed. The Gospel is our source of freedom, ministry, and justification. We have access to lean on Jesus at any moment. The Gospel is rich in hope for a weary world. Join us in the newest message of the series, The Gospel Plus Nothing Else, we pray a fire is stirred in your heart to be a minister of the Good News of Jesus.

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    40 mins
  • The Transforming Gospel – Good News: Part 2 – Woodside Bible Church
    Sep 16 2024

    Last week we kicked off our fall sermon series, Good News, looking at the goodness within the Gospel and how it impacts us. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is revelation that transforms, this change is from the inside out. When we receive salvation in Christ, we are brought to repentance because the Gospel reveals our sin and urges us to turn away from it. Jesus takes us on a journey to remove sin and shame and instill faith, hope, and courage in Him. The Gospel reveals Christ and our destiny. Placing our faith and hope in Christ gives us the promise of spending eternity with Him. Tune in to the latest sermon of the series, The Transforming Gospel, and open your hearts to how Christ wants to change you.

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    36 mins
  • Assets – Metamorphosis: Part 7 – Woodside Bible Church
    Sep 1 2024

    For the past month, we have been walking through our Metamorphosis series, tackling ways we can transform our lives. To wrap up our series, we are opening the book of Hebrews to discuss how we can find true contentment. Our culture is always trying to gain and get more as if there is this invisible ladder we are trying to climb, but when is enough truly enough for us? Scripture warns us that the love of money is the root of all evil. Finding true contentment means, we must love God more than we love money. We are called to renounce loving money, remember God's promise, and respond with confident faith. Join us in the final sermon of the series and be encouraged that we have everything we need to be content in Christ.

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    37 mins
  • Anger – Metamorphosis: Part 6 – Woodside Bible Church
    Aug 26 2024

    Our Metamorphosis series has been focused on transforming our minds to align with Christ, this week we will discuss anger and learn how we can reframe our mindset on how we handle anger. James 1:19 states we should be “quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to become angry.” As we choose to deal with our anger lovingly, we should seek wisdom from scripture because Godly wisdom produces peace among people. When seeking wisdom from God's word we will see that Godly wisdom brings peace and Godly wisdom takes action, while worldly wisdom produces chaos. In our pursuit to deal with our anger in ways that glorify God, let us seek out scripture and wisdom from above. Join us in the latest sermon of the series and be challenged to change how you respond and act on your anger.

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    38 mins
  • Adversity – Metamorphosis: Part 5 – Woodside Bible Church
    Aug 19 2024

    This week in our Metamorphosis series, we looked at adversity and found out how we can look at adversity as opportunity rather than a hindrance. In Philippians, Paul writes about his imprisonment due to sharing the Gospel, Paul is an example of how adversity can cause us to grow in Christ. Paul even exclaims, “for me to live is Christ, to die is gain.” We have an opportunity to bring the Gospel everywhere, we should not be ashamed of it, for Christ dwells in us if we have placed our trust in Him alone. Embracing adversity requires us to know that endurance inspires faith, we should rejoice in Gospel proclamation and recognize that adversity is a win-win. Join us in the latest sermon of the series, Embracing Adversity, and be encouraged to rejoice in your difficulties because when we are weak then we are strong.

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    36 mins
  • Apathy – Metamorphosis: Part 4 – Woodside Bible Church
    Aug 12 2024

    As we continue in our Metamorphosis series, this week we will address the issue of apathy. Our succumbing to apathy can go unnoticed, not realizing we have fallen into this frame of mind. So how do we get out of that mindset? We must be transformed by the word of God. An urgency to spread the gospel defeats apathy. We are to follow the ways of scripture and devote ourselves to love, show hospitality, and serve with diligence. Join us in the latest sermon of the series and be challenged to defeat the apathetic tendencies we fall into, to gain an urgency to share the gospel with a waiting world.

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    34 mins
  • Ambition – Metamorphosis: Part 3 – Woodside Bible Church
    Aug 5 2024

    In our message series, Metamorphosis, we are talking about transforming our minds with the word of God. Today, we will hear how our ambitions are welcomed in Christ, but we must submit them to God in an act of obedience to Him. Jesus had ambition, a ton of it. His ambitions were submitted to God, and He led them out with fervor—being the atonement for all. We have the chance to align our dreams and ambitions, just as Jesus did with God. When we submit them to God, He will exceed our expectations and align our desire with the desires of His own. We must put off worldly ambition and put on godly ambition. Listen further to the latest sermon of the series, as we learn what it means to see how God’s work changes our ambition.

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    34 mins
  • Anxiety – Metamorphosis: Part 2 – Woodside Bible Church
    Jul 29 2024

    What is the state of your emotional life? Over the past decade, anxiety has heightened among people everywhere. Anxiety is a fierce battle to fight, at times seeming impossible to overcome. So how can our constant worries and swirls of anxiety turn into peace? As we continue in our message series, Metamorphosis, we will talk about the hold that anxiety has made on many today. Anxiety can feel inescapable and suffocating. We may lose hope of ever feeling free from its chains, but we will see that there is hope. What was once anxiety can be turned into peace, by the grace and power of God. Through praying with gratitude, meditating on what is good, and living out God’s word, we can experience our anxieties turning into peace. Join us in the latest sermon of the series and be encouraged to fight anxiety with hope and gratitude.

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    40 mins