
  • Skin Piel
    Sep 19 2024

    This is a new piece of work that I am developing with Nomoss, a dance and music collaboration based in Edinburgh. In this instance the sound is some reworked recordings that I made whilst on holiday in East Wittering some while back.

    The text was originally written for presentation in The Arches in Glasgow in 2008. It is a narrative given from the point of view of a drawing, a very particular drawing from a book of medical dissections published in 1672.

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    17 mins
  • A Derelict Building
    Sep 10 2024

    This is a short story about getting lost in the dark. Part of the problem is that you can only get lost if you knew where you were in the first place, and the problem with darkness is knowing whether or not you have your eyes open.

    This story may be metaphorical, in which case it is an abstract moment, an existential crisis. Or it may be true, which could make it into a variety of horror story. But then, there is that mid point at which it could be either.

    Sound for the story was constructed live in The Arches, Glasgow in 2011 with Jamie Hall and Callum Mcaskill for my show called The Treadmill Poets. As with almost all live work, it was a brief moment in history. The Arches themselves were closed and Glasgow lost one of its best venues.

    I have heard it said that melancholy is a desirable state of mind in some Northern lattitudes, possibly as a coping mechanism for longer winter nights. This story could certainly be described as such.

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    11 mins
  • Man
    Sep 7 2024

    .....and even as the eagle soared above the rocky slopes, the tortoise encaged in its talons, the petals encaged in the jaws of the reptile, so a young naturalist ran forwards - last of his kind, taxidermy on his mind.............. The stricken eagle fell amongst a drift of feathers and petals, releasing the scaled misile from its grasp and joining all four together in death upon the shoulder of the mountain.


    Cracked my head, in single strike
    as I ran forward in earnest haste
    to collect my prized, beloved bird
    shot clean through and through
    to find its ordered home amongst
    museum draws and taxiderma
    tologists contortioning
    your dark and burning eyes become
    vitrified and shattered
    my cranium in blow un seen
    as from the sky a lilac flower
    fell, my leaden body sliding
    to the ground in avalanche
    of crushed ambitions here, upon
    a scree slope inverted hopes
    discovery and erudition
    science through observation keen,
    the bullet of my eyes.



    Buy our music on Bandcamp and help us to bring you more stories and music.

    The Orographic album was recorded, mixed & mastered by Stuart Hamilton
    (Castlesound Studios, 12th-14th September 2018)

    Produced by Guy Veale

    © Oceanallover 2018

    Lead vocals - Joel Sanderson, Breezy Elthalion & Catherine Carter
    Bass & cello - Joel Sanderson
    Trumpet, helicon & backing vocals - Richard Merchant
    Trombone & backing vocals - Roger Marsh
    Bass trombone & backing vocals - Ross McCrae
    Percussion & backing vocals - Anders Rigg
    Spoken word - Alex Rigg
    Electronics & keys - Guy Veale

    Lyrics & album design - Alex Rigg

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    Thanks very much for listening. Art is an act of generosity and as such is made to be shared.

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    3 mins
  • Eagle
    Sep 7 2024

    However, a shadow moved swiftly, thrown down onto the land by a majestic golden eagle, last of its kind on the mountain. Even as the beak of the tortoise closed upon the exquisite blooms, the eagle stooped........



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    Thanks very much for listening. Art is an act of generosity and as such is made to be shared.

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    4 mins
  • Tortoise
    Sep 7 2024

    On the lower slopes a tortoise had begun its ascent. Armoured carapace, last of its kind. Hungry and smelling petals on the air......

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    Thanks very much for listening. Art is an act of generosity and as such is made to be shared.

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    4 mins
  • Flower
    Sep 7 2024

    Upon the Mountainside there is a flower, a most beautiful flower, last of its kind. It is opening its petals to the sky, an invitation and a celebration..........


    Go to:


    and listen to the whole album.

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    Thanks very much for listening. Art is an act of generosity and as such is made to be shared.

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    5 mins
  • Out
    Sep 7 2024

    In which you discover a door in your own foot, and enter through it.


    I’ll take a story from you, hillside;
    I’ll make something from you, something deep
    like a door in your foot, a way in.
    There will be singing, voices raised
    and the gravity of mysteries that erupt
    as small flowers around your shoulders.
    We will go up with our eyes over and over again
    until we live inside the land in our minds.
    You will wear clouds on cold days around your neck
    and press your head into the blue-black void.



    Listen to all of the music from Orographic by Oceanallover.

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    Thanks very much for listening. Art is an act of generosity and as such is made to be shared.

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    2 mins
  • Side
    Sep 7 2024

    You continue to ascend, becoming less and less of yourself and more and more mountainous............

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    Thanks very much for listening. Art is an act of generosity and as such is made to be shared.

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    3 mins