• You Have More Power Than You Think
    May 23 2024

    When you control the way you feel, you control your point of attraction. When you control your point of attraction, you control your reality. You are the creator of your reality whether you like it or not, know it or not, or believe it or not. The sooner you take full responsibility for the way you feel, the sooner you gain back all your control. Sometimes we use excuses like the weather, or the way we grew up, or the people who raised us, as justification for why we don't have what we want in life when in reality, it was us all along. Forget about what happened, start focusing on what you're going to do about it.

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    15 mins
  • How To Use Your Emotional Guidance System
    May 11 2024

    The same way you use your GPS to guide you from where you are to where you would like to be is the same way your emotional guidance system operates within. The only difference between the two is one requires the use of your physical senses and the other requires you to feel & understand your emotions. Every single one of us possesses an emotional guidance system but very few use it because very few are aware it even exists, so instead, they look for guidance outside of themselves when really its been within all along. When you are thinking thoughts in alignment with that larger part of you, you will feel that connection through good feeling emotions. When you are thinking thoughts not in alignment with that larger part of you, you will feel the discord through negative feeling emotions.

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    29 mins
  • You Never "Become" because your always Becoming
    Apr 7 2024

    When you're grateful for "what is", you'll receive more to be grateful for. Focus on cooperative components, focus on what is present, not what is missing. When you have a desire and you focus on all the aspects of that desire that are already present in your life, you are arriving towards the completion of the end result you would like to attain. When you focus on all the aspects of that desire that are not present & doubting they will come, you are prolonging the completion of this end result.

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    12 mins
  • We're All Just External Conditions In YOUR World
    Mar 28 2024

    It's a good idea to never let anybody affect the way you feel, especially if they're taking you from a higher vibration to a lower one because then that would mean they have control over you. You determine the way you feel because you are the X factor of your emotional set point. Having emotional intelligence is key in this situation because awareness of how you feel at all moments in time is the only way you'll know if there's a "problem" within, that you can then do something about

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    12 mins
  • Your Internal World Affects Your External Reality
    Mar 20 2024

    What you do frequently is your frequency. The dominant thoughts you think everyday, the primary emotions you feel everyday... they ALL affect your external reality whether you know about it or not. We all experience adversity, its unavoidable, so instead of looking at it like a "problem"... look at it like this... "Im so happy and grateful that I'm experiencing this "problem" because I now know more clearly what I do want", then focus on what you want. Adversity is a normal part of evolution & evolution is what we all came here for

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    17 mins
  • How To Deliberately Play The Game of Life
    Mar 7 2024

    By maintaining 100% awareness of how you are feeling in every moment & intentionally doing something to increase the way you feel is how you deliberately play the game of life. Understanding emotional intelligence is key to knowing what each emotion is trying to tell you. At the end of the day, we don't have to understand what each emotion means, we just have to understand... in this moment... am I feeling bad, or am I feeling good? The feeling is your clue, indicating if you are staying stagnant & "failing levels" or moving forward & "passing levels" in life.

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    12 mins
  • They Have Control Over You Until You Forgive
    Feb 29 2024

    Forgiving people, past situations, & yourself will set you free from the vibrational shackles you once used to be confined to. It's ALL within. You are a slave to past circumstances, situations, & events if you allow them to negatively affect the way you feel, but it's important to realize that because you experienced unwanted, you gave birth to a new desire which helped you evolve. Instead of allowing unwanted to depreciate your vibrational frequency, forgive & thank the person/situation for assisting you in your evolution, then move on

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    11 mins
  • Set Your GPS to Your Destination
    Feb 26 2024

    How the GPS system works on your phone is the same way your inner guidance operates... their primary objective is to get you to where you want to be as soon as possible. When you make a wrong turn, google maps does not reroute you back to where you came from, it simply redirects you to the nearest path continuing in your desired direction... same with your vibrational GPS so to speak, when you make a mistake, don't focus on the "problem", focus on the solution that was born as a result of experiencing the "problem" & continue moving in your desired direction.

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    12 mins