
  • EP 96: Real Confidence- Confidence Lessons from Dogs (and Their People)
    Jan 5 2025

    Hey, Confidence Crusaders! Neuro nerds! And dog lovers?


    This episode of Real Confidence is about to go to the DOGS. Stay with me — it’s not just about teaching Spot to sit. It’s about how your energy — your confidence — shapes your dog’s behavior (and maybe even your life).

    Joining me is Brady Foulk, a pro dog trainer with a gift for turning "chaotic canine" into "calm and collected." But here's the twist: it’s not just about training your pup — it’s about training you.

    And because we recently adopted a new puppy, Porter, after we had to say goodbye to our beloved rescue pooch Georgie last summer, I wanted all the tips because it’s been close to two decades since we had a little tail-wagger in the house.

    Brady shared pro tips on how to inspire our dogs (no bribery or yelling required), spot when they’re overwhelmed (hello, frustrated sniffs!) and build their confidence step by step.

    Whether you're a proud pet parent or just here for the confidence hacks, this episode’s got you. You’ll laugh, you’ll learn, and you’ll totally rethink how you approach leadership—with your dog and your life.

    Key takeaways you don’t want to miss:

    • Dogs can smell your emotions — yes, literally. If you’re anxious, they’re anxious. If you’re confident, they’re confident.
    • Leadership matters — your dog mirrors your energy.
    • Confidence is teachable — for you and your dog.
    • How to read your dog’s body language for signs of overwhelm
    • Fun fact: Brady’s puppy is learning to ride a skateboard. Yes, really!

    Listen now and let’s sniff out some confidence together.

    Brady is a committed dog trainer who loves helping dogs and their humans thrive together at home and out in the world. With extensive experience in canine behavior, obedience, emotional support, and service dog training, he has developed a practical, compassionate approach to building trust and confidence in dogs and their owners. Brady’s philosophy is simple: a confident, well-trained dog leads to a happier, more harmonious home life. Learn more about Brady and his work at newdirectiondogtraining.com.

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    23 mins
  • EP 95: Real Confidence- Why Nostalgia Hurts Your Confidence
    Dec 22 2024

    I almost titled this episode “I Want My Bubble Back” and no, I don’t mean the pandemic lockdown days. I mean the good old days.

    Or maybe I should say “my good old days” because we all have a version of those, when life seemed simpler, no matter our age. For me it was playing outside all day, coming home after dark, biking everywhere and worrying about little more than which what jeans were currently cool.

    Ah, nostalgia.

    But there’s the thing: those memories we cherish? They’re not necessarily accurate. Our brains love to soften the hard stuff, filter out the struggles, and create a highlight reel that doesn’t tell the whole story.

    Our brains also want to tell us that our current challenges and struggles are harder than ever, but the truth is that challenges and struggles have always been part of our lives. Little ones—like sharing a curly cord, landline with your entire family, to big ones, like learning to navigate life after 9/11.

    The thing I want us all to remember is that if we got through those, we have what it takes to do it again. We didn’t get through those times because we believed they were somehow easier. We got through them because we’re stronger than we think.

    Tune in as I riff on the tricks our brains play on us, how those rose-colored glasses we view the past through are hurting us and how we can use our “good old days” memories instead to supercharge our confidence today.

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    9 mins
  • EP 94: Real Confidence- Building Teen Confidence with Special Guest Emily McCavanagh
    Dec 8 2024

    It wasn’t that long ago that my sons were in their teens and the world has changed so much even since then. Teens face more and different challenges than we could have imagined when we were their age, and those challenges are doing a number on their confidence.

    What’s one of the biggest confidence crises they’re facing today?

    I had a fascinating conversation with Emily McCavanagh—fitness expert, teen confidence coach, and overall powerhouse—about that very thing. If you’re a parent, coach, or anyone who cares about the next generation, you’ll want to tune in, because we tackled that and so much more because while you might be tempted to point the finger at social media, that’s only part of it.

    Sure, scrolling can lead to that toxic comparison game, but Emily peeled back the layers and got to the heart of it: teens are terrified of failing. And when you're too scared to fail, you never take the risks that build real confidence.

    What I love about Emily’s work is how she flips the script on leadership. Her teen athlete Captain’s Collaborative program isn’t about being the toughest or most talented—it’s about being compassionate, courageous, and consistent. It’s leadership with heart, and it’s a total game-changer for young athletes who are expected to lead just because they’re good at their sport.

    Spoiler alert: being really good at something doesn’t mean you’re inevitably confident at it!

    Emily is on a mission to create a new generation of leaders—ones who aren't just strong on the field but empathetic, courageous, and ready to lift others up. And come on - who doesn’t want more of that in the world?

    Highlights from our conversation include:

    • How the fear of failure cripples teen confidence
    • Why they—and we—should focus on their unique strengths rather than their “win-loss” record
    • Flipping the script on what leadership means (it’s more than talent, by the way); and
    • A powerful question parents or any adult can ask that sends the subtle message about winning and inspires confidence at the same time



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    20 mins
  • EP 93: Real Confidence- 5 Phrases that Crush Confidence
    Nov 24 2024

    I’m going to call BS on something we probably all heard as kids: sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.

    I know we were all taught this rhyme to shut bullies up, but words do matter, and we don’t always appreciate how much.

    Especially when they’re coming out of our mouths and we mean well – we truly do – but how they land has the opposite effect.

    I’m as guilty of this as anyone. And it took me a really long time to realize how my good intentions could take someone’s confidence down instead of building it up, not just because of what I said, but how I said it and in what context.

    I’ve been thinking about this a lot and I’ve zeroed in on five phrases that have the ability to kill our confidence when we hear them, and kill someone else’s when we say them.

    These phrases seem benign but even when they’re offered in the spirit of support or helpfulness, can create fear. Fear of failure, regret or rejection – the three fears that really make us all question our confidence.

    Listen in to find out what the phrases are, what you can say instead and/or respond confidently when someone says them to you. That way we can all try and be a little more compassionate to ourselves and to other people who do intend well, but don't always have the right words to tell us.

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    20 mins
  • EP 92: Real Confidence- The Confidence to Be Creative with Special Guest Rich Kirkpatrick
    Nov 10 2024

    You know those conversations that stick with you long after they’re over? That’s exactly how I felt after chatting with Rich Kirkpatrick on my podcast. We dove deep into the relationship between confidence and creativity—not just the surface-level stuff, but how they can fuel each other.

    Because creativity is one of those things that makes a lot of us want to shrink into the background so people won’t find out we don’t have it or what we create is amateurish or awful.

    A musician, Rich talked about how during his early days in the music industry, confidence often felt like a façade and how he learned to separate his self-worth from external validation by reframing his self-talk. Instead of asking himself, “Am I good enough?” he began to ask, “What can I learn from this?”

    That’s a subtle, common-sense shift, but really does change everything. Suddenly, confidence becomes a journey of growth rather than a destination to reach.

    Ultimately, confidence and creativity are intertwined, each nurturing the other. When we believe in our abilities and embrace our authentic selves, we unlock the door to endless creative possibilities.

    Key takeaways from this powerful conversation include how:

    • Confidence isn’t about being loud or the center of attention; it’s about being grounded in who you are.
    • Creativity isn't just for musicians, artists, or chefs—it’s for everyone. If you’re solving problems, you’re creating.
    • There are two approaches to creativity he’s noticed, and some of us are “robots” while others are “wizards” (honestly, I bet most of us are a little bit of both).
    • Authenticity breeds confidence, which you know I firmly believe, because when you’re true to yourself, you naturally project that energy and people can feel it!

    Rich Kirkpatrick is a native of San Jose, California, studied music at The Phil Mattson School, and earned his bachelor’s and master’s from Jessup University. He writes, consults, and speaks about the intersection of creativity, faith and leadership. His book, MINDBLOWN: Unlock Your Creative Genius by Bridging Science and Magic (2022), deconstructs creativity and the creative process. To learn more about Rich, visit RKblog.com.

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    25 mins
  • EP 91: Real Confidence- Can You Be Confident In Your Gut Reactions?
    Oct 27 2024

    We often think confidence comes from trusting our instincts, but what if those gut reactions are actually holding us back?

    Sometimes, we make snap judgments about people, situations, or even ourselves, without giving things a real chance. And those assumptions can stop us from experiencing real connection, growth, or opportunities.

    Take my recent Portugal trip, for example. I met a couple I thought I had nothing in common with—different backgrounds, beliefs, everything. My initial reaction was to dismiss them. But guess what? They ended up becoming close friends.

    That experience taught me that confidence isn’t about making fast decisions or sticking to what’s comfortable. It’s about being open, curious, and giving yourself—and others—a chance.

    We all have biases, often based on past experiences or fear of looking foolish. But when we question those assumptions, we find out they’re often false. Confidence is about stepping beyond those fear walls, giving new things time to settle, and trusting that the discomfort won’t last forever.

    True confidence grows when we stop relying on those quick, fear-based decisions and start being more intentional about the opportunities we let in. So next time, instead of saying “no” right away, ask yourself why. You might be surprised at what you find on the other side.

    So if you’re ready to look beneath the surface and make better decisions for yourself, this episode is for you. Tune in, challenge your biases, and let’s grow that confidence together!

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    22 mins
  • EP 90: Real Confidence- The Confidence to “Unhide”
    Oct 13 2024

    Ever catch yourself putting on a brave face or carefully picking which parts of your life to show out of fear of ridicule or rejection? This “hiding” behavior is something we all do to varying degrees depending on vulnerabilities and the fear that drives it, isn’t protecting us as much as we want to believe. In fact, “hiding” can really mess with our personal growth and stand in the way of forging real connections with others.

    So, when I had the chance to talk with Ruth Rathblott—TEDx speaker, former CEO, and a powerhouse advocate for inclusion—about this concept of “unhiding”, I jumped at the chance because as terrifying as it sounds, you know that self-liberation is waiting for you on the other side.

    For Ruth, her “hiding” came in the form of drawing attention away from having a limb difference that makes navigating a world where disability is often overlooked in conversations a real challenge. For you, it may be choosing to keep any trauma, personal, financial or other emotionally-charged struggles under wraps.

    Our caveman brains tell us that “hiding” protects us, keeps us safe within the tribe, but in the modern world this behavior is a form of self-isolation, which is the opposite of the authentic connect we think we’re trying to protect.

    Ruth and I get into all of this more during our conversation. Highlights from our time together include:

    • The universal nature of hiding and its impact on mental and physical health
    • How to take the reins away from your insecurities and own your personal narrative
    • The ways vulnerability connect us and lead to deeper, more meaningful interactions; and
    • Ruth’s four-step framework for overcoming your own tendency to hide

    Ruth Rathblott’s experiences and advice offer valuable lessons on embracing one’s full identity and fostering genuine belonging. I’m excited for you to hear our conversation and learn from Ruth’s journey and insights. For more on Ruth and her work, visit RuthRathblott.com and connect with her on LinkedIn.

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    29 mins
  • EP 89: Real Confidence- Control is Confidence in Action
    Sep 29 2024

    Let’s talk about something that we all grapple with but don’t always acknowledge—control.

    Yeah, that word might hit you in different ways depending on how you see it. For some, control sounds like a bad thing, a power trip, or even manipulation. But for others, it's a way to bring order, efficiency, and clarity into their lives.

    I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about this, especially after someone once called me a “control freak.” I was offended, and I bet you would be too. But the more I dug into it, the more I realized control isn’t all bad. In fact, it’s something we all do, whether we like to admit it or not. And guess what? It can be a force for good, not just for us, but for the people around us.

    Imagine walking into a restaurant and being genuinely nice to your server. What happens? They’re likely to respond with the same kindness, right? In that moment, you're controlling the interaction in a positive way. It’s not manipulative; it’s human nature.

    The way we act can directly influence how others behave. That’s control, but it’s also compassion, connection, and confidence in action.

    Control isn’t the enemy—it’s a tool— and in this episode of Real Confidence I’m going to show you how it’s a force for good. And when you know how to do that, you’ll want to let your control freak flag fly!

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    12 mins