• Talking with a Frontline Optimist - Dr Jonathan Leary
    May 14 2022

    After the isolation and loneliness of the pandemic, we are rediscovering the positive benefits of social connections again and no one understands this better than our guest this week, Dr Jonathan Leary, who has taken holistic wellbeing to a whole new level. Dr Leary created Remedy Place, the world's first social wellness club, which is founded on alternative and natural health principles, providing a space for connecting without toxicity and optimizing the body’s own methods for healing itself. So take a dip into the conversation with OIP this week and you never know ... you might leave yearning for an ice bath, or at least, take the plunge into kickstarting your daily routine … 

    More about Remedy Place

    More about Dr Jonathan Leary

    Follow @remedyplace

    To get in touch with us, email: podcast@optimistdrinks.com

    For more about the show visit optimistdrinks.com and click on the journal pages.

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    Follow Dr Drea Letamendi @arkhamasylumdoc

    Follow Tom Johnstone @tommyjohnstone


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    51 mins
  • Third culture insights
    Apr 30 2022

    As we enter the recovery phase of the pandemic and at a time of great alienation and dislocation from society, how do we find a sense of belonging and strength in others and the wider community? To answer this, Tom and Drea reflect on the conversation with frontline optimist Tony Kim who, like many children of immigrants, grew up straddling two cultures and learned to navigate and embrace the superpowers of his third culture. Tony’s unique perspective of being both an outsider and insider demonstrates that we can belong in multiple spaces and if we can strive to be a little more fluid in our thinking, says Dr Letamendi, we can relearn to be comfortable in different environments again.

    Listen to Optimist in Progress: Tony Kim

    More about Tony Kim and Hero Within

    To get in touch with us, email: podcast@optimistdrinks.com

    For more about the show visit optimistdrinks.com and click on the journal pages.

    Follow Optimist Drinks @optimistdrinks

    Follow Dr Drea Letamendi @arkhamasylumdoc

    Follow Tom Johnstone @tommyjohnstone

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    25 mins
  • Talking with a Frontline Optimist - Naomi Hallum
    Apr 16 2022

    This week on OIP, we talk to Naomi Hallum, the CEO of Million Dollar Vegan, about taking on the enormous mission of educating and empowering people to adopt a plant-based lifestyle. While the environmental, ethical, personal, and public health benefits of a vegan lifestyle are overwhelmingly compelling, the world’s resistance to giving up animal products makes this global endeavor a particularly challenging one, she tells Tom and Drea. Nevertheless her commitment is unwavering - after all, if you have managed to persuade Pope Francis to fight climate change, through diet change, that is one mighty reason to feel hopeful that consumers can make better choices for a better world tomorrow.

    More about Million Dollar Vegan

    Follow @milliondollarvegan

    More about Veganuary

    More about The Time in Between by María Dueñas

    To get in touch with us, email: podcast@optimistdrinks.com

    For more about the show visit optimistdrinks.com and click on the journal pages.

    Follow Optimist Drinks @optimistdrinks

    Follow Dr Drea Letamendi @arkhamasylumdoc

    Follow Tom Johnstone @tommyjohnstone


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    43 mins
  • Talking with a Frontline Optimist - Tom Kay
    Apr 1 2022

    Almost two decades Tom Kay quit his corporate job in London and moved to a small Cornish village to build a company that inspired a love of - and connection to - the sea, in order to better protect our oceans for future generations. Finisterre, makes functional, sustainable clothing for cold water surfers clothing and is one of the pioneering, future-facing brands putting people and planet ahead of profit.  Founder Tom Kay talks to Drea and Tom about his maturing relationship with the sea, the inspirational initiatives they are involved in to expand ocean access for all, and his work as a volunteer helmsman of the local lifeboat. 

    More about Finisterre 

    More about the Finisterre Foundation

    Follow @finisterre

    More about the Royal National Lifeboat Institute (UK) 

    More about B Corps

    Listen to BBC Shipping Forecast

    To get in touch with us, email: podcast@optimistdrinks.com

    For more about the show visit optimistdrinks.com and click on the journal pages.

    Follow Optimist Drinks @optimistdrinks

    Follow Dr Drea Letamendi @arkhamasylumdoc

    Follow Tom Johnstone @tommyjohnstone

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    33 mins
  • Talking with a Frontline Optimist - Tony Kim
    Mar 19 2022

    Tony Kim is the founder of Hero Within, a lifestyle fashion brand for fanboys and fangirls of pop culture and the cosplay community. A child of Korean immigrants, he talks to Tom and Drea about the struggles of growing up in the “inbetween” space between two cultures and eventually discovering the superpower of his “third culture”. With the help of his own non-traditional family, his passion for all things nerdy and the San Diego Comic-Con inspired a unique calling that was reaching the peak of success when the pandemic hit. Tony talks frankly about holding on to his creative vision while his business pivoted to manufacturing PPE and finding the hero within to remain optimistic in a rapidly changing climate.  We hope you enjoy the conversation ...

    More about Hero Within

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    More about Comic-Con

    More about Seth Godin

    Listen to Wayward Son by Kansas

    To get in touch with us, email: podcast@optimistdrinks.com

    For more about the show visit optimistdrinks.com and click on the journal pages.

    Follow Optimist Drinks @optimistdrinks

    Follow Dr Drea Letamendi @arkhamasylumdoc

    Follow Tom Johnstone @tommyjohnstone

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    56 mins
  • Talking with a Frontline Optimist - Jon Alexander
    Mar 5 2022

    Jon Alexander is co-founder of New Citizen Project, and for the past decade he has looked deeply at the impact that the dominant narrative in which we all live - the consumer story -  has shaped our lives, our institutions and most troublingly, our self perception. In his new book, Citizens: Why the key to fixing everything is all of us,  he hopes to show us how to reclaim the word "citizen" in its truest sense - together, people - and empower us to work towards a more community-centric future. But how to untether ourselves from the culture of high capitalist consumerism? What exactly are the steps to do that? Tom and Drea talk to Jon about collective power and hackers in Taiwan, a new breed of businesses shaking things up, and the future role of elected leaders as facilitators or space-makers.

    More about Jon Alexander and Citizens

    More about New Citizen Project 

    More about author Rebecca Solnit

    Listen to the How to Citizen podcast

    Watch The Jam: A Town Called Malice

    To get in touch with us, email: podcast@optimistdrinks.com

    For more about the show visit optimistdrinks.com and click on the journal pages.

    Follow Optimist drinks @optimistdrinks

    Follow Dr Drea Letamendi @arkhamasylumdoc

    Follow Tom Johnstone @tommyjohnstone

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    41 mins
  • Talking with a Frontline Optimist - Andrew DeAngelo
    Feb 19 2022

    Groundbreaking cannabis activist and consultant Andrew DeAngelo has been a key actor in the legalization of this industry. This week on OIP he talks to Tom and Drea about his personal connection with cannabis on both sides of the law and his commitment to redressing past and continuing injustices through The Last Prisoner Project, a non-profit organization he co-founded with his brother. They also discuss the use of the arts and culture to remove the stigma that still looms large over marijuana use. His deep conviction to social change and his willingness to make personal sacrifices are an inspiring reminder that grassroots activism starts from within. 

    More about Andrew DeAngelo

    More about Last Prisoner Project

    Listen to Bullshit Anthem by Fantastic Negrito

    More about The weldon project

    More about Cage Free Cannabis

    More about Michael Pollan's How Coffee and Tea Created the Modern World

    More about Tony Kushner's Angels in America

    To get in touch with us, email: podcast@optimistdrinks.com

    For more about the show visit optimistdrinks.com and click on the journal pages.

    Follow Optimist drinks @optimistdrinks

    Follow Dr Drea Letamendi @arkhamasylumdoc

    Follow Tom Johnstone @tommyjohnstone

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    1 hr
  • Chop wood, carry water
    Feb 5 2022

    The beginning of a new year can often bring on pressure to make significant changes in our lives. But how often do we really pay attention to the thing right in front of us, to the task at hand? This week, we revisit an episode of Optimist in Progress, in which Dr Drea Letamendi shares her insights on how to create moments of mindfulness as we fold laundry, chop carrots or do the dishes. By tuning in to those repetitive tasks, and connecting to the sensations of everyday activities, she explains, the small moments take on a new significance, creating a profound sense of gratitude, and enhancing our mental wellbeing.

    For more on Jon Kabat Zinn

    For more on the Zen koan, Chop Wood, Carry Water

    A brief intro to Zen

    A definitive guide to Zen by Alan Watts - The way of Zen

    To get in touch with us, email: podcast@optimistdrinks.com

    For more about the show visit optimistdrinks.com and click on the journal pages.

    Follow Optimist drinks @optimistdrinks

    Follow Dr Drea Letamendi @arkhamasylumdoc

    Follow Tom Johnstone @tommyjohnstone

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    20 mins