• Chris Maxwell "Things We've Handed Down" NEW BOOK Interview! - Season 4, Episode 31
    Sep 26 2024

    Chris Maxwell’s 12th book comes out October 1st. Each of the twelve chapters in the book, “Things We’ve Handed Down: Twelve Letters I Leave for You,” is written as a letter to a reader. The chapter titles are all book titles from books which have impacted Chris’ life. He hopes to hand down to the next generation key life principles that he learned from the books. “Disappointment with God” by former Next Step guest Philip Yancey, “Wounds Are Where Light Enters” by Walter Wangerin Jr., “The Wounded Healer” by Henri J.M. Nouwen, “Life is Mostly Edges” by Calvin Miller, “Surprised by Joy” by C. S. Lewis, and “A Long Obedience in the Same Direction” by Eugene Peterson are just some of the chapters in this book.

    As a leader and a learner, what books have impacted your life? What lessons have you learned that you can “hand down” to others? How have disappointments and wounds brought you closer to God instead of farther from Him? How can we lead better by displaying love, acceptance, and forgiveness? Listen to the conversation. Pick up a copy of “Things We’ve Handed Down” and read it. Get copies for those you lead. Be sure you receive what’s handed down to you and that you hand down God’s love to others.






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    27 mins
  • Interview with Bert Synan, Part 2 - Season 4, Episodes 30
    Sep 19 2024

    This episode of Next Step Leadership is the second conversation Tracy and Chris have with Pastor Bert Synan. Bert’s honesty is so fitting for the overall message of this podcast’s theme. Our next steps won’t always be the best steps unless we know what our Creator is calling us to do and the true reason we are to do that. How has Bert developed relationships in his community? How is he telling Bible stories to those who not know the stories—even in a small town of the Bible-belt? Why do many church leaders limit their ministry to Sunday services or church events? How has officiating football games helped Bert show God’s love? In a post-Christian culture, how can serving bi-vocationally be a huge advantage? Find something else to do unrelated to a church function. Study your culture. Learn a new appreciation for why you really do what you do.


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    24 mins
  • Interview with Bert Synan, Part 1 - Season 4, Episode 29
    Sep 12 2024

    Tracy Reynolds and Chris Maxwell hope to provide you a variety of voices and perspectives on the Next Step Leadership podcast. In this episode, they are honored to let you listen to their conversation with Pastor Bert Synan. Bert has many stories to tell—stories each leader can learn from. His early years of growing up in church, experiencing Jesus himself, learning Scripture, and developing healthy relationships. Decades of pastoring. Offering pastoral care in a community. Adjusting to changes. Serving as a bi-vocational pastor. Building relationships through his other jobs. Moving from superficial performance toward a long obedience. Investing his life in true care for others. How has driving a school bus helped Bert reach people? How has Bert endured his wife’s suicide? What lessons can others learn from Bert and his story?


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    22 mins
  • Interview with Greg Hearn, Part 2 - Season 4, Episode 28
    Sep 5 2024

    In their second Next Step Leadership conversation with Greg Hearn, Chris and Tracy appreciate his desire to make a positive difference in today’s difficult culture. Greg’s talents in finances, organization, and leadership have served in ministry areas too often forgotten. As president of Emmanuel University, Greg believes in the institution’s true values. Offering a biblical worldview in this season so distant from that agenda, President Hearn believes we can start where someone is and then take them farther along. He wants to emphasize Christianity is not a list of rules, but a relationship that lasts eternity. Like Greg’s story, your story is unique and important. Greg doesn’t like the spotlight. He’s enjoyed serving behind the scenes. But this is where God has now placed him. He serves in leadership as having people around who are better at doing what they do. A leader is no more important than others who serve. Learn from Greg. Let his perspective become yours.


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    23 mins
  • Interview with Greg Hearn, Part 1 - Season 4, Episode 27
    Aug 29 2024

    Greg Hearn now serves as President at Emmanuel University. Like many of today’s leaders and their present positions, Greg did not expect to be in this role. But God places His servants where they need to be. Tracy and Chris enjoyed hearing Greg’s story about life, family, growing up as a minister’s kid, education, and where God has now assigned him. In the last two episodes, Landon Rowell reminded us the importance of serving while learning where we can serve best. In Greg Hearn’s two episodes, listeners can learn how God moves people to key leadership positions when they’re not seeking it. Greg agreed to say yes to what was best. He helps guide those he leads as how to be faithful in what God has called them to do. Greg has learned that much of his culture’s upbringing missed the biblical beauty of true relationships with Jesus. Greg wants to live that now, and help people understand the wide variety of opportunities for those wanting to make a difference.


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    23 mins
  • Interview with Landon Rowell, Part 2 - Season 4, Episode 26
    Aug 22 2024

    In this episode of Next Step Leadership Podcast, Chris and Tracy continue their conversation with Landon Rowell. Landon’s story fits many young leaders. Called to ministry in some way, but not totally sure of what that really means. Sensing a deep desire to make a difference in God’s kingdom, Landon took the right classes and began working in new areas. He has continued learning and adjusting. He has kept a kind and serving heart. He works hard, finishes tasks, and maintains a healthy attitude as he serves. Days don’t need to be wasted. Study. Learn. Listen. Laugh. Experiment. Work hard. Stay humble. Ministry has many ways of serving. Use your gifts and areas of interest. God can guide you right where you are needed.

    The Empty Chair Video: https://youtu.be/QfSpT-vcQdo?si=1_ymVUsrHdYzyVw7


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    22 mins
  • Interview with Landon Rowell, Part 1 - Season 4, Episode 25
    Aug 15 2024

    Landon Rowell wasn’t on the original schedule to be interviewed by Chris and Tracy. Landon was serving and helping. He was setting everything up for the podcast. What Landon didn’t know was that his story needed to be heard. So instead of just letting him stay “behind the scenes,” Chris and Tracy wanted his story heard. They believe the younger generation of leaders brings a variety of perspectives and talents. They remember Landon’s days as a college student when he was learning not just academic information, but learning about himself. Listen to his story. Learn about yourself. Think about how you are also still learning where you fit, what you’re good at doing, what you’re grieving, and what you can do to shape the future. Not all routes are straight and simple. Sharp turns and new streets are a part of life. Continue serving and helping. Even when you’re not on the screen’s agenda, do your part. During times of hurt and uncertainty, do your part.

    The Empty Chair Video: https://youtu.be/QfSpT-vcQdo?si=1_ymVUsrHdYzyVw7


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    26 mins
  • Interview with Charles Powell, Part 2 - Season 4, Episode 24
    Aug 8 2024

    In this episode of Next Step Leadership, Tracy and Chris continue their conversation with Charles Powell. It’s a deep story about life—about a life of wounds and braces and pain. Today’s leaders can only lead correctly when first applying the importance of self-care and deep healing. Dangerous Skills: A Memoir of the Me You Never Knew is the new book Charles has written. On its pages, he reveals years of questions, of conflict, of near death experiences, of tension, and of the search to know God’s plan. Charles could have given up. But he did not. He has endured. And now he invests his energy in helping other people be rescued and find ways to develop their own skills. How can you apply the hopes Charles mentions about finding ways to help people come, learn, grow, and go? How can you have the right friends beside you who will guide you? Who is beside you? How can they have a crucial vote in your life? Your memoir is still being written.


    Dangerous Skills Podcast - https://jaggedrockmedia.podbean.com

    Not In My Town book - https://www.amazon.com/Not-My-Town-Trafficking-Modern-Day/dp/1596693010

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    24 mins