
  • Understanding the Work of Meetings with Dr. Carrie Goucher
    Jan 8 2025

      Assess how feeling career stuck is impacting you across ten areas of life - in 30 minutes. Then, decide what you want to do about it.


    If you’re over 40 you have probably been in about 10,000 meetings by now - and according to Malcolm Gladwell - you should be an expert in them by now! But sadly we are not.

    According to Dr. Carrie Goucher, studies have shown that meetings have not improved in the last 50 years, despite everyone being aware of basic techniques of how to run an effective meeting.

    In this episode, we are talking about the root of meetings and how we can be an effective leader and participant in meetings that will make tangible progress, strengthen relationships, and achieve important strategic milestones.

    [00:00] Introduction: The Role of Meetings in Organizations

    [01:11] The Root of Meeting Frustrations

    [02:11] Understanding Tribal Behavior in Meetings

    [03:26] Practical Tips for Leading Effective Meetings

    [06:05] Participant Strategies for Productive Meetings

    [08:11] Success Stories and Results

    [10:13] Additional Resources

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    11 mins
  • Harnessing the Power of Envy- A Joy At Work Experiment
    Jan 5 2025

      Assess how feeling career stuck is impacting you across ten areas of life - in 30 minutes. Then, decide what you want to do about it.


     Envy can be a powerful tool for identifying what’s missing in our professional lives. Envy serves as a vital message from our body, highlights gaps we can bridge, and reveals unchangeable aspects we need to adapt to.

    This week’s Joy At Work experiment encourages you to reflect on your own work-related envy and take small actionable steps to address it, using envy as a motivator for positive change.

    [00:30] Understanding Envy: A Powerful Signal

    [00:53] Pete's Story: Transforming Envy into Action

    [02:34] The Three Purposes of Envy

    [05:24] Beware the Dark Side of Envy

    [05:53] Weekly Experiment: Harnessing Envy for Growth

    [06:38] Conclusion: Tools for Greater Joy at Work

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    7 mins
  • Movement is Medicine with Jon Field
    Jan 1 2025

      Assess how feeling career stuck is impacting you across ten areas of life - in 30 minutes. Then, decide what you want to do about it.


    Many of us start the new year with good intentions like this is going to be the year I am absolutely going to focus on my health.

    But many of the professionals I speak to feel that their health goals are hindered by their work that finds them glued to a screen for so many hours a day that it impacts their health and potentially their longevity.

    So I asked Jon Field, co-founder and director of Field of Fitness, to join me on the Joy at Work podcast.

    We're unpacking why movement is the most underrated medication out there, the critical difference between exercise and training, and why this is non-negotiable if we want to get strong enough to grow old.

    [00:00] Join Jon Field  co-founder and Director of Field of Fitness

    [00:43] The Importance of Movement

    [01:36] Movement as Medicine

    [04:11] Exercise vs. Training

    [07:00] Its Never Too Late to Start Training

    [08:53] Practical Tips for Desk Workers to Move More

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    11 mins
  • 4 Steps to Wipe-Out Irritation- A Joy At Work Experiment
    Dec 29 2024

    Assess how feeling career stuck is impacting you across ten areas of life - in 30 minutes. Then, decide what you want to do about it.


     This week's joy at work experiment is a simple yet transformational two-minute mental shift. It takes just the tiniest bit of imagination and I'll guide you through it.

    In the next few minutes, we're going to delete one specific work irritation, annoyance, or little piece of stress from your brain.

    Not forever, of course, that will be silly, but just for a tiny minute.

    Let's see what happens when that weight lifts, even briefly.

    [00:30] This Week's Experiment: A Mental Shift on One Irritation

    [01:08] Step 1: Choose Your Irritation - Be Specific

    [02:18] Step 2: Imagine Waking Up Irritation-Free

    [04:13] Step 3: Walk Through Your Day

    [06:15] Step 4: Reflect on the Ripple Effect

    [07:09] Conclusion and Further Resources

    Get all of the details in our show notes.

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    8 mins
  • Redefining Productivity with Louise Miller
    Dec 25 2024

    Assess how feeling career stuck is impacting you across ten areas of life - in 30 minutes. Then, decide what you want to do about it.


    We're drowning in a sea of doing. Waging unwinnable battles to pack more and more work into less and less time. At what cost? For what purpose? It's a direct path to overwhelm and burnout.

     In our conversation today, Louise Miller offers a radically different, deeply human definition of productivity than I haven’t seen anywhere in the world. We discussed shifting how you think about productivity and how you can be productive in a way that reduces stress, allows us to focus on what truly matters, and lets us do our best work calmly.

    If you are someone who loves achieving great things but feels like you sometimes sacrifice too much along the way, this episode is tailor-made for you.

    [00:26] Meet Louise Miller: A New Perspective on Productivity

    [01:28] Redefining Productivity: Doing What Matters

    [05:46] The Treehouse Analogy

    [08:42] The Neuroscience Behind Productivity

    [10:03] Practical Steps to Boost Productivity

    [12:11] Conclusion: Embrace a New Way of Working

    Get more details in the show notes on our website.

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    13 mins
  • Never Ask “How’s Work?” Again- A Joy At Work Experiment
    Dec 22 2024

    Assess how feeling career stuck is impacting you across ten areas of life - in 30 minutes. Then, decide what you want to do about it.


    At some point in time, I can almost guarantee you that someone will ask you this small talk question - “How’s work?”

     This is one of my least favorite small-talk conversation openers. I just don't understand why people ask it. Maybe it's out of genuine curiosity, or perhaps an attempt to show that they care.

    But let's be honest, “How's work?”, its a lazy question. You don't need to remember the details of someone's job, their role, their company, or even actually care about the answer. And most people know this, which is why they usually respond with something short and unremarkable before steering the conversation elsewhere.

    The result? Missed opportunities for real human connection. If you truly care about the person you're talking to or want to create a meaningful, memorable moment, it's time to retire this question and instead, try something that sparks genuine interest and reflection.

    Instead, why not ask: “ What was the very best part of your career that you used to really enjoy doing?”

    Learn more about this Joy At Work Experiment on our website

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    6 mins
  • How to do better on Linkedin with Jo Watson
    Dec 18 2024

    Assess how feeling career stuck is impacting you across ten areas of life - in 30 minutes. Then, decide what you want to do about it.


    We are delving into the common mistakes mid-career professionals make on LinkedIn profiles and how you can avoid them.

    Jo Watson, a talented copywriter, shares her expertise in crafting authentic, engaging profiles that make great first impressions. We discuss the dangers of trying too hard and the importance of genuine interaction over superficial efforts. Jo also provides practical questions to ensure your profile stands out for the right reasons.

    [00:10] Meet Jo Watson: The Copywriting Expert

    [00:58] Common LinkedIn Profile Mistakes

    [01:31] The Problem with Trying Too Hard on Linkedin

    [03:39] The Importance of Authenticity on Linkedin

    [07:02] Practical Tips for LinkedIn Success

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    11 mins
  • I’ve Always Wanted To… - A Joy At Work Experiment
    Dec 15 2024

    Assess how feeling career stuck is impacting you across ten areas of life - in 30 minutes. Then, decide what you want to do about it.


    Sometimes work feels like a never-ending loop of things we just have to do, doesn't it?

    Endless meetings, looming deadlines for tasks we've procrastinated on until they become have-tos. Work events that we'd swap in a millisecond for an evening snuggled up with one of our favourite box sets.

    But today, let's hit pause on the have-tos and shift our focus to something new.

    Over the last eight years of helping clients design more joy into their work, I've noticed something magical. It's subtle, easy to miss if you're not paying attention. It often slips out as an afterthought, almost shyly. And yet every time I catch it, I know I've stumbled upon something extraordinary. It begins with these four simple words.

    “I've always wanted to…”

    When someone says this, it's like a window into their soul opens. It offers a glimpse of their dreams, unfulfilled desires, and untapped joy. But here's the thing. We often push these dreams aside. We label them, Someday goals, too frivolous for today's practical demands, and we bury them under the avalanche of our to-do lists.

    And in doing so, we quietly quash a spark of our potential joy.

    This week, let's change that.

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    7 mins