• Questions Jesus Asked: Part I – “Why Do You See the Speck in Your Neighbor’s Eye?”
    Aug 24 2024

    Christians often think of Jesus as the guy with all the answers. However, when you read the biographies of His life in the New Testament you will find that Jesus preferred to ask people questions. Maybe it’s because the right question can open the door to radical transformation. Jesus asks questions that invite pondering, that encourage contemplation, that don’t lend themselves to easy answers. Over the next few weeks Pastor Wallace will challenge you to examine these life changing questions in the hope that you will grow deeper in your faith and closer to God. In today’s passage, the Lord Jesus turns His attention to our heart attitudes in a variety of relationships. This passage is one of the best known in all the Gospels and the most misunderstood: “Do not judge, so that you may not be judged.” Things to know from this sermon: 1) caution about being a judge; and caution about being a hypocrite. We must be humble, sympathetic, conscious of our own sins, and without condemnation. Amen

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    39 mins
  • Endure: Part VI – “The Lord Stood by Me”
    Aug 24 2024

    The verses towards the end of 2 Timothy underscore the reality of life as a disciple of Jesus. Sometimes you can do everything right and still be mistreated – even by those who claim to be Christians. This was the case with Paul as he expresses in today’s passage, 2 Timothy 4:14-18. No one stood in his defense. This deeply wounded Paul. Humanly speaking, he stood alone. There is an epidemic of loneliness in the United States today and we all experience loneliness one time or another. In today’s message, Pastor Wallace teaches on the three distinct causes of loneliness and examines what Paul did to combat his loneliness. First, minimize your pain; second, recognize God’s presence; and third, empathize with other people. In following these steps, Paul could express confidence about the future.

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    37 mins
  • Endure: Part V – “Finish Well”
    Aug 24 2024

    Part 5 in our sermon series: “Endure” is “Finish Well,” and the Apostle Paul was the foremost example of one who finished well. The lessons we learn from this aging apostle will enable us to run well today, while encouraging us to finish well tomorrow. First, Paul sees himself as a “drink offering” about to be poured out. The drink offering was a symbolic way of saying, “I gladly give all that I have to the Lord.” In so doing, he is giving Timothy the encouragement to do likewise: give it your all, pour out your best. Second, Paul likens his life and ministry to that of a long-distance runner who has competed honorably in the ancient Olympic games. First, he lives a disciplines life: “I have fought a good fight;” second, he lived a directional life: “I have finished the race:” and third, he lived a doctrinal life: “I have kept the faith.” Paul did all of this because he knew he would receive a reward directly from Jesus Christ. As believers, our calling is to fight the good fight of faith. Finish well because there is a finish line out there somewhere and it may be closer than any of us realize. Amen

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    40 mins
  • Endure: Part IV – “Continue On” Podcast Script
    Jul 20 2024

    In continuing Part IV of our sermon series: “Endure”, we see that Paul encouraged Timothy, his “son in the ministry,” to keep going. To Continue. In verses 1-7, Pastor Wallace shares with us the things that are needed for Timothy and you to continue on. They are: 1) The Pattern of a Godly Life (vv. 10-11); 2) The Price of a Godly Life (vv. 12-13); 3) The Perseverance of a Godly Life (vv. 14-15); and 4) The Provisions of a Godly Life (vv. 16-17). Simply stated, Timothy had to LIVE IN the Scriptures – live, move, and have his being in the Scripture. And more importantly, he had to LIVE OUT the Scripture – continue to walk and live in the truths of the Scripture. Why: Because the Word of God is profitable. A Christian who ignores the Word is like a fish that ignores the water. We will never continue and finish well without prioritizing God’s Word. Before we can ever continue, we have to make sure we have actually started! AMEN

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    37 mins
  • Endure: Part III – “Be Strong in the Grace”
    Jul 19 2024

    In today’s message, Paul is telling Timothy to receive strength, to be strengthened. The source of that strength is not in Timothy. He did not tell Timothy “be strong by believing in himself.” He did not say, “be strong for me.” He said: “be strong in the grace.” The source of strength is in Christ Jesus. Pastor Wallace challenges us to think about two critical questions: 1) Why do you need to be strong and 2) How can you be strong for yourself and others? These two questions are answered as Paul gives earthly examples in v. 2-7. There are so many life-storms that come, and we need to be strong! The first reason Timothy had to be strong was because he had to carry on the ministry. The second reason and the focus of today’s message is that Timothy had to suffer like a good soldier. Through different life pictures of a soldier, and athlete and a farmer, we can get an idea of how to be strengthened. We will be strengthened through serving and trusting in Jesus Christ, because of His grace to us. Amen.

    Scripture Text: 2 Timothy 2:1-7 (NIV)

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    35 mins
  • Endure: Part II – “Guarding the Good Treasure”
    Jul 15 2024

    In today’s passage, Pastor Wallace teaches about the Apostle Paul’s charge to his son in the ministry, Timothy to spare nothing to protect the gospel message. Though hardship would come, Paul wanted Timothy to continue in those things he had learned. He challenges Timothy and us to endure in the faith, even to the point of death. Clearly, as believers we are in the midst of trying times. Notwithstanding, when we strive to live for Christ, finding hope in difficult times will give us the perseverance to move forward. Just as Paul encouraged Timothy, we too must press on and continue for the Lord. So, Paul encourages Timothy to “guard the good treasure.” The Good News for us today is that God offers His divine assistance enabling us to fulfill the responsibility He has given us. Praise God!

    Scripture Text: 2 Timothy 1:8-14 (NRSV)

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    38 mins
  • Endure Sermon Series: Part I – “Fan The Flames”
    Jun 29 2024

    Today, we begin our summer sermon series on the Book of 2 Timothy entitled: “Endure,” and today’s message is “Fan the Flames.” Though hardships would come, Paul wanted Timothy, his son in the ministry, to continue in those things he had learned, drawing on the rich heritage of faith that had been passed down to him. The theme of 2 Timothy is faithful endurance to the Lord even amidst difficult circumstances. Although, our circumstances are different in many ways, and yet they are similar as well. Thus, just as Paul encouraged Timothy, we too must press on and continue for the Lord! Pastor Wallace reminds us of what Paul told Timothy, “You keep fanning the flames! Its going to take power, love, and self-discipline to accomplish the task that God has assigned to us. Believers can be certain that God has not called you to a task for which He has NOT equipped you for! Therefore, in light of your heritage in faith, in light of your gifting in ministry, and in light of the resources God has entrusted to us…REKINDLE YOUR FAITH.

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    28 mins
  • The Cross Gives Hope to the World: Part IV – The Message of the Cross
    Apr 24 2024

    The cross and resurrection of Jesus is the hope of the world. It is what brings changes and new life. The cross provides us with hope on our journey through life. It and it alone can give us spiritual and eternal life. In today’s message, Pastor Wallace reminds us of what St. Paul told the Corinthians that the Gospel isn’t about the preacher, it’s about the message of the cross of Christ. There are two kinds of people in the world: there are those who are perishing because of their sins and those who are being saved. Those are the only two options. There’s nothing in between. And the difference between them is the “word” or the “message” of the cross. Today’s message about the cross will challenge you to hold to the message of the cross so that you might leave behind the foolishness of the world’s wisdom and be witnesses of God’s greatness to all of us who call upon His name. Amen

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    33 mins