• Optimistic Farewell
    Dec 18 2020
    i have been honored and even blessed for the past 91 Fridays on this VoiceAmerica Variety Channel to present and discuss important issues of our day with you and our many guests. Thank you for being a part of our Family! This will be the final broadcast of All Rise! but all past editions will be available forever at www.VoiceAmerica.com/show/3883. Please continue to listen and share our ideas with your friends. The whole idea has been to further these discussions. As you have heard, our solid theme is that if we employ Libertarian values of responsibility, hard work, live and let live and voluntary consent, we will All Rise together. And we have presented guests in the fields of education, healthcare, wars, the private sector and foundations and more who show that our approach works, and victimization, complaining, the welfare state and socialism do not. So thank you for being with us, and you can always contact me with questions, comments and suggestions at www.JudgeJimGray.com.
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    53 mins
  • Our Libertarian Future is Secure!
    Dec 11 2020
    In this final edition of All Rise that has a guest, listen to Seth Levy, who is a fairly young Libertarian who is amazingly sophisticated, practical and laden with insights! If you listen to his comments, you will agree with me that, with people like this, our Libertarian Future is Secure! He only works on the campaigns of people he believes in, which makes me overly proud to say that he was my campaign manager in my run for the Libertarian nomination for President in 2020. And later he was Dr. Jo Jorgensen's Special Projects Manager. So listen in and get the inside scoop about Dr. Jo's campaign for President, including the successes and the less so's. We are building for the future, and electing more and more candidates to local offices. People like Seth Levy are making it happen, and they will continue to do so! So, I am truly proud and encouraged to say, Help is on the Way!
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    56 mins
  • We Are All Independents!
    Dec 4 2020
    All voters in our country are, or should be, independents! That is the mantra of our wonderful and successful guest, Governor Gary Johnson, who was the Libertarian candidate for President in 2012 (with your host as his VP running mate) and in 2016. What would our country look like had he/we been elected? Transparency and financial responsibility at all levels of the federal government, facing problems directly and openly, as he did as Governor of New Mexico, listening to people about their problems and suggestions, and getting the government out of areas it doesn't belong, like healthcare and education. As Governor Johnson describes it, he is a stickler for the truth, and he would have gotten knowledgeable and forthright people into his cabinet, and listened to them! As he said when he asked me to be his running mate, Jim, feel free to disagree with me publicly during the campaign, but tell people what my position is too, and be sure you're right. Join us and be refreshed!
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    56 mins
  • America is a perfect idea. The US of A is a Work in Progress.
    Nov 27 2020
    Our guest is an expert in the history of our Constitutional Convention, and came up with the idea to use my new musical, Convention: the Birth of America as the theme for a new show called Becoming America. America is a Perfect Idea. The United States of America is a Work in Progress. That captures who we are! We use each of the musical's 17 songs as a basis for a 1-hour show explaining the issues involved in the Convention, the pressures on the Delegates, and what life was like at that time. So listen as our guest Dr. Jo Ellen Chatham explains the lasting significance of our 1787 Constitutional Convention! She shares her knowledge and insights to many of us who in many regards have lost our way. We have a proud history, and live in a country that was born from the idea of self-government and Liberty. This has never happened before or since. We rightfully should be proud and supportive of who we are, and who we are becoming! So join me in pledging allegiance to our Constitution!
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    57 mins
  • Cannabis Revolutionary
    Nov 20 2020
    This week's guest is Larisa Bolivar, an immigrant from Peru who was raised in Virginia by parents who fell for the DARE agenda that all marijuana use was harmful. So she and her husband became Cannabis Refugees and moved to Colorado, where she has been and is now heavily involved in the legal distribution of cannabis both for medical and recreational purposes with the Cannabis Consumers Coalition. Larisa says that not only is cannabis an anti-inflammatory, it also promotes balance in our systems, minds and spirits, and also helps our relationships with others. And legal cannabis has quality control, enforces age restrictions and does not provide dealers who want their customers to move on to hard drugs. But she also has first-hand experience in seeing how many governments are putting needless licensing requirements onto legitimate distributors, which mostly crowds out small businesses. This is a timely issue presented by a most knowledgeable lady.
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    56 mins
  • The Key is Consent
    Nov 13 2020
    this week's guest Manny Klausner, Esq. is a mainstay, titan and pillar in the Libertarian Party! He is an expert in constitutional, election and media law and business litigation matters who was converted to the Free Market and Liberty while a student at NYU Law School. Since then he has been hugely involved with Reason Magazine, Reason Foundation, Federalist Society, Institute for Justice and the Individual Rights Foundation. If it is an important and positive Libertarian movement, Manny Klausner has his fingerprints on it. Klausner's key to a successful society: Voluntary Consent. So is our guest optimistic about our country's future in this time of a deplorable state of education in the US, both K-12 and higher education, and also with the virtual breakdown of professional journalism and honest reporting? Yes, because of the development of social media. It is up to us. Yes, we must be careful about what we believe, but censorship is not the answer. We are the answer.
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    55 mins
  • Social Media is the Equalizer
    Nov 6 2020
    Meet a well-known blogger who came here as an immigrant and is living the American Dream to the fullest. Art Pedroza is this week's guest, and he is an inspiration. Not only was he brought here from Mexico as a small child by his parents, he learned English so fully that by the third grade he was winning school-wide spelling bees. He also learned quickly what it is to work hard by helping in his father's maintenance and janitorial business during his summers. And he was the first in his family to earn a college degree and an MBA. Art has taught at Cerritos College and become certified as an OSHA, 1st Aid, Hazardous Waste and Emergency Response Instructor. Art will also explain how he was a dedicated Republican for years until he saw how that party was treating immigrants and gays and dealing with the deficits. So he is now a Libertarian. Listen to his thoughtful blog at www.OCPoliticsBlog.com. Hear how Libertarians deal with COVID-19, education and obtain excellence in education.
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    55 mins
  • Successful in Business and Socially Conscious
    Oct 30 2020
    Please join us to meet one of the finest and most successful human beings your host has ever met: my brother-in-law (and Cunado) Peter Frazier. Hear how the financial markets work from the perspective of a successful stock broker. What went wrong in the 2007 financial crisis? How should the system have worked? What about those bailouts by government of some companies and not of others? And when should a person begin to invest, and in what? And then, from a social standpoint, you will also hear how the Botanical Gardens at UC California is re-introducing native vegetation back into its native countries where it has now become extinct; and how Save the Redwoods is protecting these greatest of trees for all future generations to appreciate and enjoy, while they also suck up tons of carbon dioxide from the air. Libertarian values socially and in the marketplace? Our guest has been, and is, there! Tune in and you will share in my assessment of this man.
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    57 mins